Indian leader Jolly urges Nepal to settle internal problems; says India has not imposed any blockade

Nov 26, 2015- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vijay Jolly has urged Nepal to settle its internal problems while making clear that India has not imposed any blockade on the Himalayan country.
"India ever wants economic, social and cultural development of Nepal. India has not sanctioned any official or unofficial blockade. Therefore, the solution to the problems recently seen in Nepal is not with India; Nepal has to address on its own", leader Joli added.
At a face-to-face programme organised here on Thursday by Reporters' Club Nepal, he claimed that the cause behind the inconvenience of supply of goods to Nepal is growing insecurity in Tarai rather than the Indian sanction.
He said that India wishes to see political stability in Nepal resolving the problems surfaced in Tarai through consensus.
On a different note, he said that Indian leaders have not made a single statement against Nepal in any time and claimed that if anyone delivered such, it would be of his or her personal.
He further noted that the relation between Nepal and India is time-honoured and cordial and the historical ties should be maintained well in future.
Indian leader Jolly assured that he would present the problems emerged in Nepal of late to the central government of India. He expressed confidence that the complications facing the country would be alleviated very soon.

source ekantipur

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