10,000 migrant workers to get free skill-enhancing training

Nov 26, 2015- The Foreign Employment Promotion Board (FEPB) and Safe migration Project (SaMi) has signed a bilateral agreement to impart free skill-enhancing training to overseas job aspirants.
The programme which would last till the end of the current fiscal year, expects to benefit around 10,000 foreign job aspirants. The selected workers could receive seven days to one month of wide range of courses alongside free accommodation facilities.  The courses include carpentry, scaffolding, plumbing, shuttering, mason, plumbing, cleaner and waiter.
Though reliable data are hard to come by, nearly 74 percent outbound Nepali migrants leave the country without acquiring proper training and orientation exposing themselves to various kinds of vulnerabilities. Some 1,500 Nepalis leave the country each day for overseas job.

source ekantipur 

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